April 3, 2024
gardening tips

How to Enhance the Appearance of your Garden

What comes to your mind when you think of home decoration? Interiors? Right, this is the most common line of thought when you think decoration. However, this should not be entirely the case. Besides interior decoration, outdoors should be considered too and decorated minimally but appropriately.

To enhance your garden décor, the following tips will be helpful:

Antique planter boxes

These metallic pieces are helpful when you have limited garden space or when you have specific plant species that do better in containers or urns. Having the plants in two or more containers placed in one planter box with intricate antique styling de-clutters space and will also contribute to uniformity in your garden.


Many people forget about lighting when creating home gardens, save for the floodlights and maybe the light bulb outside the door. You should, however, give your garden to ooze your character or even sophistication by using antique lanterns as part of the garden décor.

The lanterns often emit minimal but beautiful light that will definitely add some life to your garden. The plants and your whole garden will literally look alive at night.

Antique pieces

Besides antique lanterns, you should consider having other antique pieces such as a butterfly hanging garden clock, edging, maybe a couple of carved cranes, hose guard, a door topper, or even a stake. These pieces are classic, simple and will add some character to any garden. They can replace other forms of decorations that could be used in place of the pieces. The earth colors characteristic of the pieces offer natural blending.


Curves have been known to evoke interest. Your visitors will have their interest piqued easily if your gardens have curves rather than dull flat and straight lines. Flower beds and garden paths with swells, undulations, pockets, bends and winding paths will be more interesting to any visitors or even a garden owner.

Space division

You may have to host a big number of visitors someday. However, you shouldn’t use this to leave out big spaces. Outstanding garden décor demands theuse of space dividers. This makes a garden more beautiful and less boring. Space compartmentalization is best done using arbors.

Include some exciting and interesting features

You can add intricate antique pieces to your garden. Alternatively, you may also consider including some interest areas around the garden. Interesting focal points and features may include boulders, birdbaths, specimen plants, sculptures and/ or benches.

Add color

Humans and birds are visual. For an inviting garden, include color. Color has been known to evoke emotions, change the mood, and also give are flection on seasons. Oranges, reds and yellows enliven while purples, cool blues and greens bring about soothing effects. Include these colors subtly to avoid a chaotic fusion of beautiful colors.


The best gardens have a wide variety of accents and focal points. Though to be used minimally, variety will have a greater visual effect and create more interest.

In conclusion, the best garden décor is created professionally. The inclusion of a few interesting and high-quality pieces and features here and there will bring harmony and add character/ style to your garden.

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