April 3, 2024

What is the difference between snips and shears?

The difference between snips and shears can cause a considerable amount of confusion. Snips and shears are sometimes described interchangeably. In contrast, in other instances, snips are seen as simply a different type of shears. So what are the differences, if any and what are snips and shears best used for?

What are snips?

Snips are fundamentally delicate tools that can cut various things, including wires and plants, provided they are not too thick. They are easy to use and spring-operated, which makes them easy for the hand to use. It is sometimes possible to replace snips just with a regular pair of scissors, but their short and agile blade is very useful. 

A snips tool is designed only for cutting soft metal. For harder metal shears are recommended. 

What are shears?

The appearance of shears, in many ways, resembles a giant pair of scissors, and they can be used to cut and shape sheets or wires that are too thick to be cut with snips. They play a vital role within the sheet manufacturing industry and can also be used for various other applications, such as cutting wires too thick to cut by standard snips. 

Things to look for when buying snips

There are several things to look out for when purchasing a new pair of snips. It is vital that the tool comfortably fits in your hand. Test them with a squeeze before purchase, though be careful not to overthink the situation, as most snips on the market today will come with ergonomic and comfortable handles.

It is also important to check the quality of the construction of the tool. Some solid plastic parts are acceptable with snips as they are rarely under constant heavy use.

Things to look for when buying shears

It is important to remember precisely what shears will be used for when looking for a new pair. Smaller shears may be a good idea for more intricate work, but a larger pair of shears would probably be more appropriate for bigger jobs. 

It is again important to check that the construction of the blade is of good quality, that they are well constructed and easy to open and then close back up again. 

How are snips and shears similar?

There are many similarities between snips and shears, one of the main reasons they are often seen as the same. They are both intended to cut metal and wires and can also often look more or less the same, particularly to the uninitiated. The fact that so many people use the same terms for both can also add to this confusion. 

In the end, snips and shears from RS are both hand tools and cutting tools that come in various types, including straight or bent, and care has to be taken when selecting either to ensure the success of the final result.