April 3, 2024

Signs of a Happy and Healthy Baby

Babies are demanding little bunnies. They like having their moms on their toes 24/7. From wet diapers to hunger pangs, there’s rarely a dull moment when it comes to caring for a baby. But even if they keep you busy and frazzled, there’s nothing quite like the joy of a happy, healthy baby. The best part? They’ll communicate it to you so you can pat yourself on the back for a well-done job!

So how can you tell if your munchkin is content? Here are some telltale signs that your baby is in a good place.

Eyes That Sparkle and Follow

Bright, sparkling eyes are always a sign of good health in babies. Happy and healthy babies will follow your movements with their eyes and pay attention to what’s happening around them.

Also, keep an eye out for the “Moro” reflex, where they throw their hands up when they feel a sudden movement. It is another sign that their neurological system is developing just fine. If the Moro reflex is missing, you must contact the doctor. Childbirth injuries like cerebral palsy of the spastic type, severe asphyxia, and intracranial hemorrhage can all be potential causes. If you feel your child has been wronged by medical negligence, resources like Birth Injury Justice Center can help you get the justice you and your child deserve.

Frequent Milk Demand

Your baby is born with an innate sucking reflex. It means if something’s touching their lips, they’ll start sucking on it. Most babies must be fed every 2-3 hours until they’re around 4 to 6 months old because of their tiny tummies. So, if your baby has the urge to suck and asks for frequent feeds, it’s a sign that their digestive system is working at full force.

Also, pay attention to the gulping sounds. They indicate that your baby is swallowing enough milk for their growth. And if they like their food, they’ll fall asleep in no time.

Gurgles and Coos

Babies usually gurgle and coo when they’re content. As your little one starts to understand the world around them, they may respond to you with a little sound as you talk to them. You may also notice babbling, a sign that their speech and language skills are being developed. It also indicates that their voice box is vibrating correctly, so they can communicate with you. You can also encourage them to babble by making eye contact and speaking to them in a high-pitched voice. They may even smile when they’re happy – a fantastic reward for all the hard work you do!

Vibrant Skin Tone

Your baby’s skin should have a subtle pink hue, not excessively light or dark. It is a sign that their blood circulation is normal and they’re not deprived of oxygen due to any underlying medical condition. On the other hand, if their skin looks pale or yellowish, it may be indicative of jaundice.

Jaundice is relatively common in newborns and can be treated with phototherapy. However, if your baby is not responding to the treatment, it may require a further medical examination to rule out any serious underlying condition.

More Than 3-4 Wet Diapers a Day

Wet diapers are a sign that your baby’s digestive system is working correctly and they’re passing enough urine. Also, if you’ve been wondering whether your milk supply is sufficient, here’s your cue.

On average, your little one should pass around 4-5 wet diapers. If you think your baby is passing too few or too many, it could indicate constipation or urinary tract infection. So, keep a close check on your baby’s wet diapers and contact the doctor if you notice any abnormalities.

Regular Stools

Happy and healthy babies tend to pass regular stools. Newborns usually poop after each feed, but as they grow older, the frequency may reduce to 1 to 2 times a day. Also, pay attention to the color and consistency of the stools. Yellow-greenish and seedy poops indicate that they are getting enough breastmilk. Conversely, yellow-orange stools with a pasty consistency may be a sign of diarrhea. Don’t worry if your baby’s stools occasionally become greyish, black, or white. It’s due to the food they eat and is a sign of their excellent health.

Responds to Sounds

Parents have umpteen concerns about their growing baby’s organs and intellectual abilities. But the good news is they develop the ability to respond to sound stimuli shortly after birth.

If your baby starts moving their head toward a sound, it’s a sure sign that their auditory system is working correctly. They will follow your voice and try to imitate it when you talk to them.

It’s one of the most remarkable milestones in your baby’s life and a sign that their cognitive abilities are developing. You can try talking to them more often and playing music to further improve their hearing.

Proportionate Weight and Height

Babies grow at a rapid pace in the first couple of months. Each month, they should reach two to three milestones related to their weight, height, and head circumference.

If your baby is gaining weight steadily every month and their height is within the normal range, it’s a sure sign of a healthy and happy baby. On the other hand, if you notice any drastic changes in their growth pattern or fail to reach the milestones, it may indicate a nutritional deficiency or an underlying medical condition. Your child’s doctor can give you more clarity on the situation and suggest suitable remedies.

Supporting Their Weight

When your baby grows, they will start to hold their head up and look around. It indicates that your baby’s muscles are strong enough to bear head weight. If you notice that your baby’s neck muscles can support the motion without much effort, it points toward a healthy and happy baby. You may also help them by ensuring that they are well-supported when you hold them to prevent any neck injuries. Rolling on tummies and backs also indicates that their muscles are strong and healthy. It also means your little bundle of joy has finally taken control of their movements.

Final Thoughts

A happy and healthy baby is always a joy for parents. It’s like an award from the Universe for all the hard work and dedication. The good thing is that even if the babies can’t speak, multiple signs can give you an insight into their physical and mental health.

If your baby shows the signs above, pat yourself on the back and enjoy every moment with your little one. As they say, life is a journey and should be enjoyed to the fullest.