April 3, 2024

Are Apps Making Life Easy for Patients?

For the last few years, apps have been making life easier for patients and doctors alike. The digital world has expanded the field of medicine in some unexpected ways. Doctors can now use their phones to run tests and diagnose patients long before they even step foot into an office. The same goes for patients who are able to remotely monitor their health conditions or get advice from health professionals online.

Motivational tools

Apps can also help you to stay motivated. If you’re struggling to get through your day, the right app can make all the difference. The Health app on Apple devices and the Google Fit app on Android devices both track your activity and give you points for how active you are. If you have an Apple Watch or an Android Wear device, there are also plenty of fitness-tracking apps that will keep track of how many steps you walk in a day.

One particularly helpful tool is CGM apps which monitor blood sugar levels and offer alerts when they’re getting high or low so users can check their blood sugar level as soon as possible before it goes too high or low. The Tandem Diabetes Care’s mobile app frees you to bolus from your smartphone† and stay informed of your diabetes management without touching your t:slim X2 pump. This kind of technology is especially useful because diabetes makes it harder for people who have it to sense changes in their bodies quickly enough without help from technology like CGMs (continuous glucose monitoring systems).

User friendly

Another important aspect of user-friendliness is its intuitive nature. This means that the app should be easy to navigate and understand so that users won’t have to spend time figuring out how it works. For example, one app that I recently tested had an interface that was not only difficult to use but also confusing. I had trouble trying to figure out which buttons did what and how many steps I had left in the signup process before getting into the app itself.

Guidelines in your pocket

Having access to the latest guidelines, research, news and information about your disease makes it easier for you to manage your condition. Apps can be used on smartphones or tablets.

Some apps will also tell you about medications that might help with your symptoms or refer you to other treatment options if there is nothing available in your area.

Insightful algorithms

One of the most exciting features of AI and machine learning is the ability to detect patterns in your data, like trends or anomalies. When you have access to an advanced algorithm that can help you understand your data better, you’re able to pick out patterns in your own life — such as when it’s likely time for a health checkup due to a past medical condition.

As we have seen, there is a growing number of apps that aim to make life easier for patients. It is clear that patients are becoming more and more aware of the importance of keeping track of their health data, so it’s no surprise that many are turning to technology in order to do so.